“It takes a long time to become young”

Pablo Picasso

…We cannot travel in it, and we cannot undo it, but who says we cannot slow it down? We’re talking about time, which rushes inexorably, adding candles to the birthday cake.

The thirst for youth has always existed at all times and in every society. For thousands of years, people all over the world have asked themselves the question, “How to remain young?”

Ask yourself a question: What do beauty and youthfulness mean, and how important are they for you? Do you strive for them because you are afraid of getting old or because you want to take care of yourself?

What are you willing to do for your longevity?

A wish to stay young as long as possible is a quite natural for a human. Some people are ready to catch up to the outgoing youth by all means, and the others are constantly looking for “elixir of longevity” that will stop the time. Many people want to go round the nature falling into illusion that they can preserve health and will always look young.

In recent years, people’s wellbeing has improved considerably, and with it, the need to live better and longer. This overwhelming desire to stay young and beautiful was the beginning of an anti-aging trend that has become extremely widespread in our modern lives. There is no good or bad time to start actively pursuing your longevity. It is important not to procrastinate but to maximize longevity and while remaining in good shape.

Indeed, as one grows older, the anti-aging topic comes more and more to one’s mind, which is a pleasant thought. After all, if you want to live longer, it means that you at least enjoy LIVING.

It is, by the way, the first essential rule of anti-aging - one has to want to LIVE! And not just to live, but to live long and well.

The main task is not to let the digits rule your life.

Age is just a number.

KME Swiss AG

Key steps towards active longevity in the KME system

A path to active longevity is a systematic, consistent and regular care of one’s health. Implementation of the project “Active Longevity” implies the necessity of drawing up and implementing a personal program for control, maintenance, and correction of health issues. While developing and promoting the project “Active Longevity,” the KME allows conducting regular assessment of the state of a person’s overall condition, taking measures for timely correction to balance all body functions and systems.

Assessment of the state of the body's functional systems.

  • Assessment of the state of organs and tissues within functional systems;
  • Assessment of the state of the nervous system;
  • Assessment of hormonal balance;
  • Assessment of the body's immune status;
  • Assessment of adaptation reserves of functional systems and organs.

Assessment of psychological state:

  • Reactions to external and internal psychological factors;
  • Degree of stress - loads;
  • Formed psychological programs;
  • The main reasons for the formation of the depressive states;
  • Formed mechanisms of psychological defense.

Psychological state is represented not only by emotional state, but also impacts to health and social adaptation. KME allows to identify connection between personal psychological characteristics and interconnections with society; and impact of environment to these processes that finally makes effect on functional state of human health.

Recommendations for correction of traditional methods and components of a healthy lifestyle (HLS):

  • Food products;
  • Products that support activate or slow down the metabolism;
  • Selection of necessary micro-and macro-nutrients, vitamins;
  • Drainage (excretory function of the body), removal of excess and toxic metabolites;
  • Recommendations on physical activity.

The possibility of functional correction of the balance of physiological and psychosomatic processes using the method of "compensation" in the KME system. "Compensatory correction" with the application of the KME system for restoration of physiological and psychosomatic processes balance is based on the effect of the interrelation of activity of biophysical processes reflected in their electric fields. Compensation in KME aims to correct a balance of the electric field of the process, which is in interrelation with the physiological process.

Learn more about key steps

Whom the KME - Anti-аging is intended for?

Thanks to the KME Anti-aging module, everyone can keep their age in check.

A person striving for a healthy lifestyle can choose a balanced diet and optimal physical activity.

A modern-day person can increase his or her capacity for work and quality of health.

A person with a business mind can find an opportunity for a quality, highly profitable business.

A caring person can give their parents the KME Anti-aging as a gift for their longevity or give it to a loved one to support and preserve their quality of life.

What the KME Anti-аging is useful for

By applying his/her knowledge and experience in the field of corrective healthcare, the Anti-aging consultant can promote a conscious attitude in the client towards his physical and emotional health, thus prolonging his active lifespan.

Knowing the chemical and energy composition of different foods and cooking techniques, the nutritionist can select a suitable diet for a client, considering her/his weight, age, health condition, and lifestyle. The specialist can support and accommodate a person with recommendations on detoxification, breathing techniques, and physical activity.

For those who strive to keep a good physical shape, a fitness instructor can issue an individual training program, taking care of a balanced training regimen without overloading a trainee. The instructor can effectively and adequately guide you on your rejuvenation path using the best-suited sport’s exercises.

It will not be difficult for an experienced doctor to initiate the body’s healthing processes. Starting with learning about a person's lifestyle, life rhythms, habits, resources of his body, continuing with an individual rehabilitation plan, the doctor can create actual conditions for a person’s rejuvenation.

Besides performing another procedure for visual cosmetic rejuvenation, a specialist in the beauty industry can help revitalize internal body functions, thus contributing to longevity and youth preservation. Modern-day people care not only about superficial aesthetic results, but they care deeply about health, strength, and abundance of energy.

A specialist in the field of psychosomatics and psychoanalysis has an opportunity to establish optimal contact with a client. It will allow the specialist to assess a person’s physical and emotional state quickly. After conducting analyzes, the specialist can give the person an understanding of interconnections between lived through situations, internal conflicts, and his/her current psycho-emotional status.

A physiotherapist can select an individual wellness program according to a person’s abilities and overall state of health, thus increasing the body’s function level as a whole. When necessary, the physiotherapist can advise and follow up according to the person’s individual needed.

Any successful person applying the system can quickly and effectively learn how to take advantage of the system’s healing capabilities for herself or himself. The person can learn about his body, leading to a more active lifestyle according to the person’s own plan that meets his/her individual needs. Thus, ensuring in advance physically robust, active, and spiritually fulfilling “golden years.”

Prolong your youth, improve your longevity potential with KME technology

KME Anti-aging for successful, self-conscious people who think about their future and want to maintain their health.

KME Anti-aging for healthy, active people who are ready to use every opportunity to take control of their age.

KME Anti-aging for those who want to replace the advanced age with an elegant youthfulness, partnering with their health and longevity.

KME Anti-aging focuses on young, active people who are consciously planning for their future, thinking about preserving their youth and health.